一天我們找了朋友D一起出來玩, 途中趁著臭寶加油下車的空檔,D忽然開口了:
D: "Question, what's the difference between roast beef and pee soup?"
Jackie:" is eatable, one is not....." (心中OS:"這是甚麼爛問題?!!")
D:" What??? no~~~~~the answer is "you can roast beef but you will never pee soup!!!"
Jackie (非常不服氣地) :"Yes you can!! just like drinking water, after digestion, it comes out as pee!"
D:" No~~~"
D:"ok, question, what's the difference between roast beef and pee soup? " (一邊說他還斜睨了我一眼)
臭(哈哈,簡稱臭):" is eatable, one is not....."(還一邊發動引擎.毫不在乎地說)
D:"No~~~ the answer is you can roast beef but you will never pee soup!!!" (拍頭懊惱中)
臭:"Yes you can......just like drinking water......"
我跟臭寶就是在這種奇怪的事情上有默契,連回答都一字不差! D在一邊真是快昏倒了
D: "Question, what's the difference between roast beef and pee soup?"
Jackie:" is eatable, one is not....." (心中OS:"這是甚麼爛問題?!!")
D:" What??? no~~~~~the answer is "you can roast beef but you will never pee soup!!!"
Jackie (非常不服氣地) :"Yes you can!! just like drinking water, after digestion, it comes out as pee!"
D:" No~~~"
D:"ok, question, what's the difference between roast beef and pee soup? " (一邊說他還斜睨了我一眼)
臭(哈哈,簡稱臭):" is eatable, one is not....."(還一邊發動引擎.毫不在乎地說)
D:"No~~~ the answer is you can roast beef but you will never pee soup!!!" (拍頭懊惱中)
臭:"Yes you can......just like drinking water......"
我跟臭寶就是在這種奇怪的事情上有默契,連回答都一字不差! D在一邊真是快昏倒了